Privacy Risks

Risks to privacy from collecting and storing information

A privacy breech on the internet can be very dangerous to others involved. Breeches can expose your data and information onto the internet where many users can see it. For example, information that could be exposed is: banking info, medical information, personal information, private info, and identity. If criminals or hackers enter a username and password combination, they have an easy way to your connection/network. Many people reuse passwords so they can access many different networks, resulting in loss of data or exposure of data.

Another example of privacy risks is credit cards. Hackers can be creative when it comes to stealing information. Fake links or emails are the easiest way for credit card info to get stolen. With this information, the thief can use your credit card to make unreasonable purchases and wreck havoc. These hackers can trick you into clicking fake links, resulting in you foolishly putting your credit card info into a software, resulting in the information to be used by the hacker.

Finally, the last example of privacy risks is stealing bank info. Again, hackers can cause a data breech, possibly allowing hackers to steal your banking info. Bank accounts can also be fully taken over by hackers, which basically grants them money. Phishing and vishing are popular methods for hackers to steal bank info from you. Overall, the internet is a huge risk because of all the scammers and hackers out there, waiting to steal your information.

Computer Misusage and Prevention

How can computing resources be misused and how can it be protected?

Computers can be misused for many bad or illegal things. One example of computer misusage is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying over text, social media, or anything that will hurt somebody mentally over the internet. Cyberbullying is bad and can affect the victim's mental health. It can lead to anxiety, stress, depression that can worsen the repeated abuse. Examples of cyberbullying are: posting a picture of them without consent, saying insulting and abusive things over text, sending death threats, or impersonation.

Other examples of computer misusage include hacking others to steal their information, identity theft, cybercrime, cybersex trafficking and data minipulation. Computers are meant to be used for communicating, researching, education, modelling and gaming. They are not used for hacking and stealing others information.

Protection from these computer misusages are important. To protect from hackers you can use stronger passwords that cannot be guessed. Don't share information or fall for a stupid trap. Don't click false links or enter personal information into suspicious websites. Download antivirus softwares to protect yourself from malware. Update your computer constantly so the chances of getting hacked lower. Finally, don't use unsecured networks or Wifi networks that look suspicious to protect yourself from these data breechers.

Information Gain

How unauthorized access to information is gained?

Unathorized access can easily be gained by guessing passwords. Weak passwords are especially in danger of being guessed, which is why strong passwords are needed. Hacking passwords that are weak is easy too. Hackers can easily penetrate weak passwords and access your accounts. Overall, if your password isn't strong, there is a high chance of the account getting compromised.

Another example of unauthorized information gain is by hackers tricking others to giving them passwords. Maybe you gave your password to somebody you thought was your friend, but they ended up using that password against you; compromising your account. Hackers can also trick users to clicking links and entering information to a FAKE website that steals your information. They also trick people into downloading malware, which greatly affects your computer.

A final example of unauthorized information gain is getting targetted by a hacker or a security breech. Hackers can compromise certain websites and apps - resulting in data to be exposed and granted to anyone. Many apps have been in danger to data breeches, resulting in unauthorized access to passwords.

Benefits and Cons

How can computing innovation be beneficial and harmful?

There are many benefits to computing innovation. For example, computers make our lives easier. It makes it easier for us to connect with others through text, calls, emails and social media. It also helps us gain information quicker. Instead of reading books, you can now search through Google or Yahoo the information you are looking for. It also helps for education.

Another benefit to computers is entertainment. Computers give us so many ways to entertain ourselves. For example, watching movies and shows would not be possible without computers or technology. Video games can provide hours of entertainment over the screen. Social activities are also a source of entertainment for computer users. The last major benefit is that it overall makes life easier. Shopping can easily be done over the computer without having to get up from the chair. Socializing and education is also much easier. Music, data, records, reading, and writing can also be done over the computer. Instead of writing essays, they can now be written over the screen.

However, there are not only benefits but there are also cons to computers. Privacy is a big risk over computers. If you are on the computer, there are people out there that can see your private information. Cyberbullying is also a con. You could get bullied or attacked by somebody you may not even know. If they are anonymous, it is hard to figure out who they are. People also lose their jobs due to computers being overpowered and AI. Finally, addiction is a big con. People can easily get addicted to computers and it can greatly affect their health.

Computing Innovations

How can computing innovation have impact beyond its intended purposes?

Computing innovations can change the way we work. AI will get more and more advanced, humans are no longer needed. For example, if someone is a worker at a local fast food restaurant, their job could get taken from a robot. A robot who could do all the same things, but faster. This is a major problem in society and computing innovations. AI will get too powerful.

It can also be used beyond its intended purpose because nothing actually gets deleted. A digital footprint is the information, data, things you posted or have said are left on the internet. In short terms, it's basically what's left of you on the internet. With that, if you've left something bad on the internet, you could get in trouble. Which is why you have to THINK before you POST.

Finally, the rapid spread of project or sharing of a program you created can affect this. If you've created a project and post it, but someone copies it and posts it as theirs, and it gets more views and attention than the original, that's bad. Someone had just copied you, and it is not a good thing. With this, a large sharing of a program with many users can result in impacts beyond its intended purposes.